Dear athlete,
Thank you for the interest in the 39th Holten International Triathlon.
RegistrationWith this form you can registrate for Triathlon Holten at June 21th 2025:
- Standard or Olympic Distance (open water) €49,50
- 1/8 Triathlon (swimming pool) €37,50
entering the waiting list is free You can pre-enter via internet until May 31st 2025 or whenever starting lists are full.
Match informationNo later than June 15th 2025 the participants will receive match information by e-mail, at the e-mail address you fill in. The information will also be available on our website.
PaymentAdditional costs consists of a match-registration chip (€4,50) and competition-license of the National Triathlon Union (NTB; respectively €11,25 and €13,75).
Payment is directly due after completing this form (Bancontact, Giropay, iDeal or credit-card). When payment and completion of the registration form does not succeed, please send an e-mail to the organization and we will make individual arrangements.
Check for the latest information about the Triathlon Holten or follow us on facebook or twitter.
We wish you good luck with the preparations and look forward to seeing you on our 39th Edition in Holten on Saturday June 21th 2025.
Best regards,
Organisation Triathlon Holten
deelnemer@triathlonholten.nlFields marked with a * are mandatory.